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"We have brilliant inventions from Jr. Engineers.  The course sparked my son's interest in biographies which he now reads exclusively.  Projects are creative and challenging, which is especially important during a time with hands-on learning in school has been minimized."

"This is 100% the best course my son has taken. He reads every engineering book and comes up with ideas for inventions everyday. We are all so happy with it."




“I highly recommend Alina’s Brain Classes. My daughter did her last session & really enjoyed it.   Alina is very warm and sweet while engaging with the children.  Program was educational, creative, and most importantly lots of fun.”


"My daughter and a small pod took Brain Science in the fall.  Alina's patience and creativity in teaching them was exactly what we needed.”

Classes for curious minds,
ages 5-12  (level adjusted according to age)

Future Entrepreneurs Foundations!

learn about the exciting world of an entrepreneur and important business principles in a fun and clever way!  Create business plans and pitch creative business ideas to a (friendly!) investor panel.  Will you strike a deal or not?  That is the question!


Future Entrepreneurs Open for Business!  Time to apply business basics (from Foundations class described above) to create products and sell them during the session!   Summer is a perfect time to open a business! 

Junior Engineers  

Anyone can invent and they do!  Wide variety of season-adjusted STEM challenges such as geodesic domes, kite flight, wind turbine, aeroelastic bee flutter, maglev trains, solar racing cars.   Learn about the engineering design process, dynamic engineering professions (e.g., mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil) and accomplished inventors.  Build problem solving, collaboration and inquiry-based skills.  If your child is curious about the way things work, then this class is perfect for her/him! 

Super Science/Engineering Mash-Up

Do you want to discover the colors hidden in leaves? How was that balloon, bridge or tunnel built anyways?  Either the Scientific Method or Engineering Design Process will be used to answer the many "I wonder" questions!   Hands-on work building structures or interacting with substances with small teams will keep the learning fun and fast paced!   We will compare our analysis with ChatGPT, critique the pros and cons and learn about various AI applications throughout the session.   New projects for any repeat students.  


Super Scientists

Do you dare to make a rainbow disappear? Do you know how bats see?  Help your child create an inquisitive mind of scientific challenges in the world around him/her!   Learn about famous scientists' contributions and many professions in the exciting field of science.  Will we inhabit Mars some day?  What are the challenges facing Earth?  Every day is an opportunity to learn and answer why, how come and I wonder questions! 

Brain Science 🧠 

Your brain is amazing and incredibly complex; we'll take a road map to explore it further!  Each class will include a brain science lesson plus a hands-on science or art project, alternating between the creative and analytical to "balance" your thinking and keep your mind actively charged!  Learn about neuroanatomy, neurophysiology (cells, neurons), neurobiology (5 senses), psychology (perceive the world) and thinking.  Parents are welcome as "Brain Spies" during the last session when each child presents their own brain map!

Math+Art Fusion

Creativity has no limitations!   Make learning math fun with hands-on activities that Van Gogh and Matisse would enjoy too!   Draw, play games, and build prism structures.  Math is cool and dynamic -- and so much more than just memorizing facts and formulas!  Have fun with geometry (prisms, Platonic solids, Möbius strips), logic skills (strategizing with tangrams and toothpick puzzles), graphs (mind bending fractals with straight lines and repeat shapes!). 

Multicultural Theater

A dynamic class that includes performing folk and fairy tales from countries around the world, creating hands-on crafts and listening to music.  Each class is rich in global  learning!  Gain confidence and deeper appreciation of cultural differences! 

Grow Your Mind!  

Social & Emotional Well-Being 

Gratitude, kindness and learning from mistakes-- these are just 3 essential qualities for a healthy well-balanced child!   Through a variety of thought-provoking lessons, engaging activities and hands-on creative projects, kids will learn the difference between a fixed and growth mindset!   Increased self-awareness, expressing and controlling emotions, self-esteem and confidence, empathy, respect and so much more.  Students create a  "Tool Kit" with practical strategies to navigate day-to-day life.   This is important learning made fun!  



For the love of Spanish  

Hola!  Are you ready to join the 440 million Spanish speakers in the world?  Through highly engaging lessons and fun activities involving music, literature, art and engaging student workbooks, you will have a memorable Spanish immersion experience in your hometown. Vámonos! 













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